FFXIV Endwalker: How to get the Emote Eat Pizza

This is probably one of the stranger FFI advertisements that exist, but hey, Final Fantasy Xiv never shuffled anything strange or strange. The new End walker expansion is available, and all dungeons are fun and those things, but there are also some new cosmetics to connect. In a new partnership with Grubhub, players can unlock a new emote. Here is How to get the Eat Emoticon Pizza in FFI End walker.


The Grubhub promotion extends from December 9 to 15, which means that you only have a week to see this emotion. To obtain it, all you need to do is ask for $15 in food (before fees and taxes) and use the WALKER promotion code by paying.

Once this is done, you can receive a code for the emoticon, which will be sent to your email address (the associated with your Grubhub account) on December 17. With the code in hand, go to Dog Station to exchange it and ready.

Log in to the game and talk to one of the Google Mail NPC to review your emails, and should be able to use the emote from there. After that, you can start accessing the EAT pizza emoticon from your emoticon menu and even assign it to your shortcut bar to access more easily and show it at any time.

That's all you need to know How to get EMOTICON EAT Pizza at FFI End walker. Make sure you search for XIV Endwalker to get more advice and information about the game.

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